Substantially larger versions of typical creatures within the world (such as giant wasps, giant rats or even giant humans), even a single specimen can be dangerous when encountered:
- Armor Class: 18
- Hit Dice: 5
- Attacks:
- Special Defenses:
- Immune to Poison
- Immune to Disease
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 9
- Experience Points: 450
Description: The balroach is a variety of giant cockroach larger than a horse and immune to all poisons and diseases. In addition to its bite, balroaches also exude a horrible smell, requiring anyone fighting the creature to save vs. Poison or become nauseous (-4 to attack rolls and armor class) for ten minutes.
- Armor Class: 16
- Hit Dice: 4
- Attacks:
- Special Defenses:
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 8
- Experience Points: 240
Description: Giant ant lions are a humungous predatory beetle about the size of a herd animal. They build networks of underground tunnels with multiple trapdoors; when a victim reaches one of these trapdoors, everything suddenly swirls downward like a drain, dragging the victim below (typically a drop of 10-20 feet) where the ant lion can then pounce and attack.
- Armor Class: 14
- Hit Dice: 2
- Attacks:
- Special Defenses:
- Immune to Charm Person
- Immune to Hold Person
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 8
- Experience Points: 75
Description: Giant bats have a wingspan of 15 feet and weigh about 200 pounds. They have the same sensory abilities as normal-sized bats, but being much larger they are able to directly attack adventurer-sized prey.
- Armor Class: 13
- Hit Dice: 1
- Attacks:
- Stinger (1d4) + Weak Poison
- Special Defenses:
- Immune to Charm Person
- Immune to Hold Person
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 9
- Experience Points: 13
Description: Although many times larger (growing to a length of about a foot), giant bees behave generally the same as their smaller cousins. Giant bees are usually not aggressive except when defending themselves or their hive.
- Armor Class: 14
- Hit Dice: 3
- Attacks:
- Special Defenses:
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 8
- Experience Points: 175
Description: The giant black widow spider is a much enlarged version of the ordinary black widow with a leg-span of two to three feet and an orange "hourglass" on its abdomen. The venom of these spiders is strong; those failing a saving throw vs. Poison are immediately rendered unconscious.
- Armor Class: 11
- Hit Dice: 1
- Attacks:
- Special Defenses:
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 7
- Experience Points: 13
Description: Larger versions of the normal sort, giant centipedes are two to three feet long and fast-moving predatory, venomous arthropods, having long segmented bodies with exoskeletons. They prefer to live in underground areas, shadowy forested areas and other places out of direct sunlight (although there are desert-dwelling varieties that hide under the sand). Giant centipedes tend to attack anything that resembles food, biting with their jaws and injecting a weaker poison.
- Armor Class: 18
- Hit Dice: 3
- Attacks:
- Pincers (2d6)
- Pincers (2d6)
- Special Defenses:
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 7
- Experience Points: 145
Description: Giant crabs naturally resemble the ordinary variety but are much larger, averaging five feet in diameter (not including their legs). These creatures are often found in water-filled caves, particularly those connected to a river, lake or sea, and are tolerant of both fresh and salt water.
- Armor Class: 14
- Hit Dice: 2
- Attacks:
- Special Defenses:
- Immune to Charm Person
- Immune to Hold Person
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 8
- Experience Points: 75
Description: Giant flies look much like ordinary houseflies but are about three feet long. Some are banded yellow and black, and can thus be mistaken for giant bees. Giant flies are predators; after killing their prey, they will sometimes lay eggs in the remains.
- Armor Class: 13
- Hit Dice: 2
- Attacks:
- Special Defenses:
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 6
- Experience Points: 75
Description: Giant frogs are enlarged versions of the common frog; most resemble bullfrogs in appearance, but an adult giant frog is three feet long and weighs about 250 pounds. They are predators, but will normally only attack creatures smaller than themselves. Giant frogs can stretch their tongues out to 15 feet and drag victims to their mouths; hence, once hit, victims are automatically damaged each round until the frog is defeated.
- Armor Class: 16
- Hit Dice: 6
- Attacks:
- Claws (1d4)
- Claws (1d4)
- Bite (2d6)
- Special Defenses:
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 6
- Experience Points: 500
Description: Giant lizards are 10-12' long and heavily built. They are predators with a powerful shearing bite (as well as razor-sharp claws).
- Armor Class: 11
- Hit Dice: 4
- Attacks:
- Special Defenses:
- Immune to Charm Person
- Immune to Hold Person
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 9
- Experience Points: 50
Description: Giant mosquitos swarm victims by the dozen and thus are challenging when encountered. A successful attack not only causes damage but attaches the insect to the victim, draining an additional 1d4 points of damage each round until the mosquito is defeated.
- Armor Class: 13
- Hit Dice: 2
- Attacks:
- Special Defenses:
- Immune to Charm Person
- Immune to Hold Person
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 8
- Experience Points: 30
Description: Giant mother rats are scavengers, but will attack to defend their nests and territories. A giant mother rat can grow to be up to five feet long and weigh nearly 70 pounds. A single giant mother rat will generally be shy but will attack fearlessly when cornered, biting and chewing with their sharp incisors. Any rat bite has a 5% chance of causing a disease.
- Armor Class: 16
- Hit Dice: 5
- Attacks:
- Special Defenses:
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 8
- Experience Points: 360
Description: Giant praying mantises are greatly camouflaged, moving slowly and waiting motionless for hours to attack and devour their prey. The mandibles of these large beasts are quite sharp, doing 1d12 points of damage per successful bite.
- Armor Class: 13
- Hit Dice: 1
- Attacks:
- Special Defenses:
- Immune to Charm Person
- Immune to Hold Person
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 8
- Experience Points: 10
Description: Giant rats are scavengers, but will attack to defend their nests and territories. A giant rat can grow to be up to four feet long and weigh over 50 pounds. A single giant rat will generally be shy but larger packs attack fearlessly, biting and chewing with their sharp incisors. Any rat bite has a 5% chance of causing a disease.
- Armor Class: 15
- Hit Dice: 4
- Attacks:
- Claws (1d10)
- Claws (1d10)
- Stinger (1d6) + Deadly Poison
- Special Defenses:
- Immune to Charm Person
- Immune to Hold Person
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 11
- Experience Points: 280
Description: Giant scorpions are quite large, sometimes as large as a donkey. They are aggressive predators and generally attack on sight. If a claw attack hits, the giant scorpion receives a +2 attack bonus with its stinger (but two claw hits do not give a double bonus). Giant scorpions are most commonly found in desert areas or caverns.
- Armor Class: 18
- Hit Dice: 7
- Attacks:
- Bite (1d8) + Unconscious
- Paralysis Shriek
- Special Defenses:
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 9
- Experience Points: 735
Description: Like their smaller cousins, giant shrieking tarantulas are huge, hairy spiders, about the size of a horse that are semi-intelligent and run down their prey much as wolves do. The bite of the giant shrieking tarantula is quite poisonous, causing its victim to lose all its hit points if a saving throw vs. Poison is failed. It's the shriek of the spider that is just as fearsome, however, as all who hear it must save vs. Paralysis to avoid becoming incapacitated for three rounds.
- Armor Class: 17
- Hit Dice: 6
- Attacks:
- Body Slam (1d8) + Paralysis
- Special Defenses:
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 10
- Experience Points: 555
Description: Giant snails are great molluscoid creatures with a hard shell covering most of its body. It attacks by slamming its body into its opponents, covering them in its poisonous mucus (save vs. Poison or be paralyzed for 30 minutes).
- Armor Class: 15
- Hit Dice: 4
- Attacks:
- Special Defenses:
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 8
- Experience Points: 280
Description: Giant tarantulas are huge, hairy spiders, about the size of a pony that run down their prey much as wolves do. The bite of the giant tarantula is quite poisonous, causing its victim to lose all its hit points if a saving throw vs. Poison is failed.
- Armor Class: 13
- Hit Dice: 4
- Attacks:
- Pincers (1d1) + Paralysis
- Special Defenses:
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 10
- Experience Points: 240
Description: Giant termites vary from three to five feet in length and attack using a noxious spray with a range of five feet that stuns its target for about ten minutes (a save vs. Poison negates this effect). While a nominal threat to adventuring parties, the real threat imposed by giant termites is to wooden structures such as buildings, sailing ships, etc.
- Armor Class: 15
- Hit Dice: 4 + 1
- Attacks:
- Stinger (1d6) + Unconscious
- Special Defenses:
- Immune to Charm Person
- Immune to Hold Person
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 10
- Experience Points: 280
Description: Giant wasps attack when hungry or threatened, stinging its prey; stung victims must make a saving throw vs. Poison or be rendered unconscious (immediately losing all hit points).
- Armor Class: 17
- Hit Dice: 6
- Attacks:
- Special Defenses:
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 8
- Experience Points: 500
Description: Large crocodiles are aggressive predators 12-20 feet long. They lie mostly submerged in rivers or marshes, with only their eyes and nostrils showing, waiting for prey to come within reach.
- Armor Class: 13
- Hit Dice: 5
- Attacks:
- Special Defenses:
- Immune to Charm Person
- Immune to Hold Person
- Save As: Fighter
- Morale: 8
- Experience Points: 360
Description: Essentially giant-sized pterodactyls, pteranodons have a wingspan of 25-30 feet and are skilled predators known for attacking entire adventuring parties.